The Purpose of this Site is to show that believing in God, and the Bible as God's Word to us, is both rational & supported by science.
My intention is to show, in a logical step-by-step manner, that the theory of a universe that created itself, and the theory of evolution used to explain the formation of life within it, are fatally flawed. While doing so I will also show that the scientific evidence better supports the idea that the universe and all life in it was the result of a Supreme Being/Creator.
Once these points are well established, the following pages will go into detail in describing who this Creator is (and is not). I feel if you take the time to fully analyze the evidence presented it will be difficult not to agree.
Creation scientists and evolutionary scientists look at the SAME information. The difference is in how that information is interpreted. Creation scientist begin their search with the preconceived notion that God created the universe and all that is in it, and interpret the scientific evidence they see through that lens. Evolutionary scientists claim to be unbiased. However, evolutionary scientists start with their own bias as well, i.e.: that there is no God and that the universe and all life in it occurred by unguided, random naturalistic processes. So any evidence they find is viewed through that lens and is made to fit their naturalistic, evolutionary paradigm.
I can’t prove beyond any doubt scientifically that there is a God who created the universe, but evolutionists also can never prove that there is not a God !
What I CAN show is that the evidence we have does not in any way disqualify creation, but does in many, many ways disqualify evolution. Evolutionists are fully aware of these flaws, but are so certain of their worldview that they assume that future developments will vindicate them. However, as I will show, the flaws are fatal and cannot be overcome.
Faith is supposed to be the realm of religious belief. But what you will see, as we cover many subjects, is that believers in the evolutionary paradigm need just as much faith, and actually more, to stubbornly hold onto their beliefs. A truly impartial look at the actual evidence provides ample reason to believe in the God of the Bible, and to dispel the myth of evolution and a universe that created itself.