The conventional theory of human evolution states humans evolved from apes to man through the following stages.
- Ramapithecus
- Australopithecus
- Homo habilis
- Homo erectus
- Homo sapiens (us)
Ramapithecus was first discovered in 1932. Initially it was declared to be a branch on the evolutionary tree leading to humans. But this conclusion was based only on similarities between a few Ramapithecus teeth and jaw fragments, and those of modern humans. Today, most evolutionists classify Ramapithecusas an extinct ape. Evolutionary scientists have amply documented their abandonment of the claim that Ramapithecus is a link between ape and man.
Australopithecus is the next creature said to be a human ancestor, which evolutionists claim lived 1 to 4.5 million years ago. These animals had small brains, about one-third the space occupied by human brains. They also had large, ape-like jaws, with cheek teeth similar to modern gorillas.
In 1974 Donald Johanson discovered several pieces of Australopithecus afarensis skeletons in Ethiopia, which he alleged were human ancestors. One particular Australopithecus was given the name “Lucy.” The media attention was enormous, yet upon closer examination many leading scientists (most of them evolutionists) disagreed that these bones represent a step in human evolution. Detailed study of the fossils has proven that Australopithecus was an ape and in no way related to man. Donald Johanson himself, the discoverer of Lucy, later concluded that Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy) was not related to humans at all.
Homo habilis, as a taxon, has been flawed from the start. In 1959, Louis and Mary Leakey, working in Tanzania, found a large cranium in association with stone tools. This led Leakey to believe this individual was a tool maker. Some of Leakey’s peers believed that Leakey knew all along that this skull was simply an Australopithecus. But the financial support Leakey needed to continue his work does not come from discovering fossil primates. It comes from finding human ancestors. When Leakey found a newer fossil that was a better candidate for human ancestry, he then admitted this fossil was simply an australopithecine.(16)
Thoughtful evolutionists were troubled from the start by Homo habilis. It was not until 1986 that the problem was solved. Strong evidence was discovered that the category Homo habilis is not a legitimate taxon but is composed of a mixture of material from at least two separate taxa. The new discoveries removed Homo habilis as a legitimate transition between australopithecines and Homo erectus, although many evolutionists found it difficult to accept. However, the fossil record clearly shows that the Homo erectus fossils are contemporaneous with the entire Homo habilis fossil material. In other words, not one of the supposed Homo habilis fossils can be dated earlier than any of the Homo erectus fossils. Hence, Homo habilis could not in any way be ancestral to Homo erectus.
Homo erectus, supposedly the closest link to Homo Sapiens, furnishes us with powerful evidence that falsifies the concept of human evolution. First, Homo erectus is not morphologically distinct enough to warrant its being classified as a species separate from Homo sapiens.(17) By every legitimate standard applicable, the fossil and cultural evidence indicate that it should be included in the Homo sapien taxon.
Second, Homo erectus fossil are not found in the relevant time frame to serve as a legitimate transitional form. Evolutionists state in the literature that Homo erectus existed between 300,000 years ago and 1.8 million years ago. The dating of Homo erectus from 300,000 y.a. to 1.8 m.y.a creates a “comfort zone” for evolutionists because these dates position Homo erectus in the relevant time period to serve as that much needed transitional taxon that progresses toward modern humans.(18) It fit their preconceived notions.
It is very deceptive that evolutionary writers use these date ranges as generalizations without listing all the individual fossils that do not fall within these dates. If you look at the actual cataloged fossil finds, at least 51% of fossils having Homo erectus morphology fall outside the purported ranges. By dating back to almost 2 million years ago, they overlap the entire Homo habilis population.(19) So as stated above, this makes it impossible that Homo habilis evolved into Homo erectus.
In addition, approximately 48% of all Homo erectus fossil individuals are definitely dated more recently than 300,000 y.a. and as young as 6,000 y.a.(20) The vast majority of people, including most scientists, don’t look at the actual evidence closely and simply accept the literature at face value. However, Marvin Lubenow, in his book Bones of Contention, takes a very detailed look, and is where I drew most of this information.(21)
The theory that Homo sapiens supposedly evolved out of Homo erectus has other problems as well. Evolutionists are not comfortable in having Homo erectus being dated even as early as 300,000 y.a. The current view is that modern humans originated in Africa at about 200,000 y.a. However, this is out of the question if Homo erectus are dated as early as 300,000 y.a. The span of just 100,000 years is simply not nearly enough time for sapien to evolve from erectus.
These incontrovertible facts of the fossil record effectively falsify the concept that Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapiens. In reality, it falsifies the entire concept of human evolution. Fossils that are indistinguishable from modern humans can be traced all the way back to 4.5 m.y.a., (according to the evolutionary time scale). That suggests that true humans were on the scene even before the australopithecines appear in the fossil record. .
As far as we can tell from the fossil record, when humans first appear in the fossil record they are already human. The human fossil record, like the fossil record in general, has failed to furnish evidence for evolution. It further confirms that the myth is not the theory of creation. The myth is actually the theory of evolution, a myth invented to explain our origin without God.